Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The path of surrender

I am finding that the body work I am undergoing now--chiropractic and deep tissue massage--is releasing stored past memories and pain. To heal fully, I must allow these memories and feelings to come pass through me. I must surrender to the process as it unfolds.

My practice last night was simple: a few minutes of pranayama followed by a 40 minute meditation. During the meditation I petitioned to accept the path of surrender.

Surrender to the physical pain, the forced inactivity, the emotional pain, and the memories. I must be open to the experiences as they happen, then allow them to drift away like clouds, like thoughts that arise in meditation...not to be followed or held onto, but simply experienced as they come, and then released.

I slept well last night. Today I feel more grounded emotionally, though I still need a heating pad to help with the physical.


  1. Whenever I press my yoga practice deeply into my hips or into backbends, I find leftover shards of memories and experiences that I thought (somtimes that I hoped) were long gone. How, exactly, that works, I don't know, but I've come to expect it.

    I've enjoyed discovering your blog.


  2. Isn't it strange how much memory and emotion our bodies hold?

    Thanks for the complement! I've been reading your blog for a little while now, and I always find your entries thoughtful and thought provoking.
