Sunday, May 19, 2013

Upcoming MRI

The next step is an MRI coming up in two days, on Tuesday. My breast tissue is so dense that the doctor wants to do an MRI so that she can better see how large the area of cancer is in the right breast. The MRI should also provide more information about what's going on in the left breast, as well. The biopsy of the left breast showed atypical cells, which aren't currently cancerous. The mammogram and ultrasound showed the presence of a mass, but it really is pretty difficult to differentiate it from the surrounding tissue.

Not only does dense breast tissue make it more difficult to see cancer, but studies have shown that having extremely dense breast tissue (which I have) increases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer. Numbers I have read have indicated between 2 to 6 times the risk of breast cancer over a woman without dense breast tissue. Yikes! No wonder I have breast cancer!

I have had a breast MRI before. That time I had an IV containing a liquid that helped show contrast in the imaging. I have a fear of needles, so for the past couple of days I have been doing visualizations and practicing relaxation techniques to help me be calmer when the IV needle is inserted. I'll be armed with a breathing technique, a calming mantra to chant in my head, and a visualization of the fear floating away from me.

My favorite, though, is simply talking to the fear. I thank the fear for keeping me safe from harm (and hard drugs), that this needle is important, and safe, so I don't need to be afraid of needles right now.

I hope this all works. I'll need these relaxation techniques again for the surgery.

The MRI machine itself shouldn't be an issue. It is loud, and I'll be in a closed in space, but they will let me listen to Pandora over headphones. I'll just listen to the Yoga Radio station and meditate. Shouldn't be bad at all.

One step at a time. That's how I'm doing this.


  1. Really appreciating this blog. I hope it's healing for you.

    Yow. I have the dense stuff too. Plus mine is riddled with scar tissue. Guess it's time for the mammogram!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you are enjoying it! It feels good to be blogging again. This blog has suffered from lack of focus and writer's block. I only wish I hadn't needed such difficulties in order to get writing again!

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